Thursday, April 07, 2005

Switzerland funds housing repair and reconstruction programme

Switzerland will assist the Government of Sri Lanka in its efforts to rebuild tsunami destroyed houses with seven million USD. Swiss Ambassador Bernardino Regazzoni today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with P.B. Jayasundera, Secretary, Ministry of Finance. Switzerland will also continue its ongoing reconstruction programme of schools in Matara and Jaffna.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and other Swiss donors are funding the housing repair and reconstruction programme of the Government of Sri Lanka on a participatory scheme with seven million USD. These funds will cover the reconstruction and repair of approximately 4000 fully or partially damaged houses in the Trincomalee and Matara districts. All Tsunami affected households outside the restricted area (Buffer Zone) will be provided with phased cash grants to repair or rebuild their houses.

The construction process will be managed by the families, while Switzerland will provide expertise through SDC. Three experts each in Trincomalee and Matara will integrate local governmental bodies to implement the programme and exchange knowledge on the participatory reconstruction programmes. Switzerland has already started a school reconstruction programme in Matara, where SDC will reconstruct seven schools.


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