Thursday, October 13, 2005

Anti SLMC protest in Ninthavur – State Media

The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress has strongly condemned false reports by all state media both electronic and print. State media reported that the meeting SLMC held in support of presidential candidate Ranil Wickremasinghe in Ninthavur did not take place due to heavy opposition by the people of the area.

"It is evident that UNP presidential candidate is gaining grounds in the run-up to the presidency with the increasing support of Muslims across the island after the SLMC's announcement to support him, those who can not absorb these happenings are taking all possible measures to try and prevent Mr. Wickremasinghe's victory with our support" a party source said.

SLMC sources said that they will make an official complaint with the Commissioner of Elections with regard to misuse of the state information machinery and also will complain to the Commission against Bribery & Corruption against the misuse of state property.

"We witnessed state property been heavily used to try and thwart our rally. The operation the SLTB busses were curtailed and many other state owned vehicles and resources were used by certain people, which leads to violation of election laws and misuse of public property, therefore, we will take stern action against these" the source said.

According to SLMC sources the meeting in which the SLMC leader Rauff Hakeem and several others addressed had been a massive success and people in thousands had attended the rally that continued until 11 p.m. last night.

Jaffna Students Rise Against Assassinations

Normalcy in Jaffna Centre and its suburbs was disrupted Thursday morning after groups of grief-stricken students, teachers, university students and civilians walked out on to the streets in protest against the gruesome assassination of the Jaffna Central College Principal allegedly by the LTTE.

In it's latest attempt to eliminate rising intellectual opposition from Jaffna against LTTE activities, Jaffna Central College Principal, Rajadurai(53) was brutally gunned down Wednesday (12) afternoon at about 3.45 p.m by Tamil Tiger pistol men.

Grief stricken and furious students at Jaffna Central College boycotted school sessions in protest against LTTE's brutal slaying of their principal in broad daylight, according to sources from Jaffna.

Rajadurai was also criticized by the LTTE for his involvement with the EPDP to develop Jaffna schools. He was also known as a hardcore opponent of LTTE child recruitment in the Northern areas of Sri Lanka.

Meanwhile, in a move to justify the killings, the LTTE website tamilnet claimed that he was a "strong supporter of EPDP" in its report on the slaying of the Principal.

Jaffna residents claim that the slaying of the Principal sent a shock wave through their community. They also urge the government and the international community to take strong action to prevent such killings in future. Military sources claim that the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission has been provided with all accounts related to the killings.

Jaffna Central College Principal shot dead by LTTE

K.S. Rajkumar reporting from Jaffna, September 12. Gunmen alleged to be from the LTTE shot and killed Mr. Rajadurai, principal of Jaffna Central College, a leading college in Jaffna. Mr. Rajathurai was shot in front of his students, when he was attending a religious function at the Weerasingham hall in Jaffna. The assassins fired several shots at Mr. Rajadurai and fled the scene. Eyewitnesses said there were at least four gunmen at the scene, but only one fired the shots.

Mr. Rajadurai had received death threats from LTTE in the past. Recently a letter was sent to him by Ellalan force the clandestine group that is well known to be a LTTE front , and was published by, an LTTE web-site operated from Norway. In May this year, published a warning to Mr. Rajadurai that he would be face dire consequences , without any further warnings, if he continued to ignore th edicts of the LTTE. Mr. Rajadurai's transgression is believed to have been that he allowed the broadcast of an educational radio programme from the Jaffna Central College, and LTTE was not happy about it. The particular educational programme airs on radio associated with the EPDP. Jaffna Central College also received funds from Mr. Douglas Devananda, who was a student at Jaffna Central. With the funds received from Mr. Devananda, Mr. Rajadurai built several class rooms and library facilities at the College. LTTE operatives in Jaffna had previously warned Mr. Rajadurai that no development work should be carried out at the school using funds from Mr. Devananda. However, Mr. Rajadurai, being the principal of the college, ignored those warnings and went ahead with the development of the college.

Earlier, on Tuesday night, alleged LTTE assassins also shot and killed another school principal in Kopay. Mr. Nadaraja Sivakdacham, the principal of Kopay Christian College, was shot and killed in front of his family in Kopay. It is reported that the assassins came in a motor cycle to his residence, called him by his name, before shooting him on the spot.

LTTE has intensified its assassinations recently. In the last two weeks alone, LTTE gunmen had killed at least 17 Tamils in Jaffna district alone, most of them killed in their houses or offices, in front of family members.