Wednesday, November 29, 2006

President Mahinda Rajapaksa with Congress President Sonia Gandhi in New Delhi yesterday Posted by Picasa
President Mahinda Rajapaksa with Congress President Sonia Gandhi in New Delhi yesterday Posted by Picasa

Norway denies giving television to Sri Lankan rebel leader

Associated Press, Wed November 29, 2006 05:52 EST . COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) _ Peace-broker Norway on Wednesday denied a report that it gave a six-foot (1.8 meter) television to Sri Lanka's reclusive rebel leader, who is said to like watching Hollywood movies and copy methods for attacks and assassinations.

A statement from Norway's Foreign Ministry called the allegations carried by state-run Daily News ``misconceptions and lies.''

The paper on Monday carried an interview of a breakaway Tamil Tiger leader named Karuna, who alleged that Norway's Aid Minister Erik Solheim had given the television to rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran.

Karuna, a one-time confidante of the top guerrilla leader, said Prabhakaran liked watching movies. Karuna told the interviewer that Solheim had given ``a six-foot (1.8 meter) TV screen to Prabhakaran to watch films.''

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry emphatically denied the claim.

``The ministry would again like underline that it is surprised to see that such blatant lies are being printed by the Daily News. Mr. Solheim has certainly not bought a television for Mr. Prabhakaran,'' the statement said.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry also denied Karuna's claim that Solheim gave the rebel group money.

Solheim was instrumental in arranging a cease-fire between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam rebels in 2002 aimed at ending a two-decade civil war that had killed 65,000 people.

The guerrillas split in 2004 when Karuna broke away with some 6,000 fighters. 

Tamil Tigers not withdrawing from cease-fire; Sri Lanka calls for peace talks

 Associated Press, Wed November 29, 2006 00:57 COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) _ Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels have not quit a truce despite calling it ``defunct,'' European cease-fire monitors said Wednesday, as the government called for renewed peace talks.

Thorfinnur Omarsson, a spokesman for the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, said the Tigers assured truce officials they would not withdraw from the 2002 Norwegian-brokered cease-fire during a meeting in the rebel stronghold in Kilinochchi on Tuesday.

The truce ended two decades of civil war, but now only exists on paper, with more than 3,500 fighters and civilians killed in unsolved killings, mine blasts, suicide attacks, artillery exchanges, sea battles and air strikes this year, according to government figures.

Monitoring officials were told top rebel leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran called the cease-fire defunct ``mainly due to violations of the truce by the government, especially the closure of the A-9 highway,'' said Omarsson.

The A-9 highway _ closed by the military in August _ connects the northern Jaffna peninsula with the mainland. The rebels have refused to continue negotiations until the government reopens it.

Prabhakaran also said Monday that the rebels were recommencing their freedom struggle.

A Sri Lankan official said Wednesday the government is ready for peace talks.

``We hope they (rebels) return to the negotiating table as we believe this can be resolved through dialogue and negotiations,'' said Palitha Kohona, the chief of the Sri Lanka's Peace Secretariat, which is directly involved in the peace process.

Norwegian peace envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer, an envoy of peace broker Erik Solheim, was scheduled to arrive in the Sri Lankan capital late Wednesday, said Kohona.

He will meet with government officials and is likely to visit the rebel leadership in the north.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, 85 vehicles carrying food and medicine reached rebel-held Vaharai village in eastern Batticaloa district to help nearly 36,000 ethnic Tamils trapped by fighting, military spokesman Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe said.

But he accused the rebels of using the time of the transport _ when government forces held their fire _ to building bunkers. ``The Tigers, taking advantage of the situation, resorted to construct and improve the defenses,'' Samarasinghe said.

On Tuesday, a convoy of 115 aid vehicles was turned back amid heavy shelling, which government and insurgents blamed each other for.

The rebels are fighting to create a separate homeland for Sri Lanka's 3.1 million minority ethnic Tamils, saying they can prosper only away from the domination of the Sinhalese majority. Previous peace talks that started after the truce have failed to resolve the issue.

The government says it is willing to give autonomy to areas where Tamils are in the majority, but rebels insist on sweeping changes that the government says will infringe on the country's sovereignty.