Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Let us join hands to rebuild the Motherland - President

The Sinhala and Tamil people of our country are closely knit by a common cultural heritage. Forgiving wrong and requesting forgiveness for wrong is a noble new year tradition our people have observed for a long time.

Therefore let us eschew all differences and join hands to rebuild our motherland, said President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga in a message issued to mark the Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

"The tsunami disaster is like a silver lining among dark clouds. A situation where all Sinhala, Tamil, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim Communities and faiths can work together is now emerging. If we can make the joint mechanism for providing relief to people in the North East a success it will be a fine foundation for finding a lasting solution to the national problem," President Kumaratunga said.

The message: "Today is New Year Day considered as the National New Year by the Tamils and Sinhalese alike. This is the common festival of the entire Sri Lankan people and truly our most delightful cultural festival.

However our people are celebrating New Year this time from a completely different environment than past years. Only three months have lapsed after the tsunami which was a natural disaster unprecedented in our history.

All this time we have been hearing about damage to lives and property caused by earthquakes, high tides and volcanic activity in other countries of the world and thinking how fortunate we have been. But on December 26, 2004 we too had to experience that unfortunate calamity. It caused the untimely death of nearly 40,000 of our brethren and damaged properties worth tens of millions of rupees.

That moment which grabbed away the expectations filled in our hearts and our loved ones has endowed us with a permanent agony. We understand the mental pressure and pain caused in you by it. Programs to relieve that pain have now been launched by places of religious worship, the government and other interested citizens.

Since Sri Lanka has been identified as a country falling within a region prone to natural disasters lately plans are now under way to set up a natural disaster early warning centre in Sri Lanka too. Apart from this elaborate plans to rehabilitate all people affected by the tsunami have been formulated and implemented within the last three months.

In this situation it is pointless for us to wallow in pain feel disgusted anymore. Therefore let us make the New Year which has dawned a year of resolve to rebuild the country and usher in peace and prosperity.

When we consider the New Year Day it is common to both Sinhala and Tamil people. This is neither a Sinhala New Year nor a Tamil New Year but a National New Year.

The Sinhala and Tamil people of our country are closely knit by a common cultural heritage. Forgiving wrong and requesting forgiveness for wrong is a noble new year tradition our people have observed for a long time. Therefore let us eschew all differences and join hands to rebuild our motherland.

The tsunami disaster is like a silver lining among dark clouds. A situation where all Sinhala, Tamil, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim Communities and faiths can work together is now emerging. If we can make the joint mechanism for providing relief to people in the North East a success it will be a fine foundation for finding a lasting solution to the national problem.

Furthermore this new year is celebrated on the occasion of the first anniversary of the UPFA Government headed by me. The UPFA government which was elected to office last year giving a new strength and awakening to the dawn of New Year has now laid the foundation for a new socio-economic and cultural order where social justice will rule supreme.

Much more has to be done to take the country forward on that foundation.

I hope that the strength, courage and matured thinking needed for it will dawn on every one on this new year.

Wish you all a happy New Year."


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