Wednesday, May 18, 2005

News Today

Mother and daughter fall into cesspit, both dead

A mother and a daughter who were bathing from a pipe that was fixed on the concrete slab of the cess-pit of their house, fell into the cess-pit when the concrete slab broke all of a sudden.

The incident occurred on May 11 at Athanapitiya in Pindeniya police division in Kegalle district.

The mother Priyanthi Manel de Silva (39 years) and her daughter Shanika Madhusani (9 years) cried for help and the people from neighbouring houses were drawn in no time to the spot.

But none of them could help them as they felt a poisonous gas emanating from the cesspit to which the two have fallen into.

Some people on informing the authorities of Bogala Graphite Mines, about five miles away from the place where the incident occurred. Some workers from graphite mines descended into the cesspit wearing gas masks and took out the woman and the girl and rushed to Kegalle General Hospital but on admission both of them were found to be dead. On the instructions of Kegalle Asst. Supt. of Police Kithsiri Jayalath, Pindeniya police OIC Lionel Samarasinghe and a police party is conducting investigations.

Impartial probe into Trincomalee violence

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse yesterday directed the IGP to hold a comprehensive and impartial inquiry into Tuesday's grenade attack in Trincomalee which left one person dead and sparked tension in the area.

The Premier told Parliament that the Government would ensure the tension in Trincomalee did not escalate.

The Government would also see to it that there is no religious friction in the area and guarantee every citizen the right to practise his or her faith without hindrance, he added. He was responding to statements by MPs Ven. Athuriliye Rathana (JHU) and Wimal Weerawansa (JVP) on the floor of the House .

Weerawansa detailing the incidents in Trincomalee which he saidwas sparked when a Buddha statue was to be erected in the Trincomalee town, asked the Prime Minister if he could guarantee that the Sinhala community in the area will be permitted to practise their religion without let or hindrance.

He also said there were widespread charges that the Police in Trincomalee had remained inactive and allowed the incident to snowball.

The Premier told the House that he had just at that moment been in touch with the IGP. "I have ordered an impartial inquiry. An investigation is already on," the Premier said.

A Police curfew was clamped following a hand grenade attack at Madathadi junction in Trincomalee on Tuesday where a Buddha statue is being erected. One person was killed and four others seriously injured.

A clash ensued between Tamil and Sinhala factions following the attack at around 2.45 pm. The attackers had targeted the new statue under construction near the three wheeler stand next to the CTB bus stop.


Security tightened

Security in Trincomalee town was tightened yesterday with additional Navy troops called into prevent any eruption of violence. The LTTE front Tamil People’s Organisation-backed hartal which continued for the second day paralysed day-to-day activities in the area. Although a few explosions were heard, no casualties were reported, Police said.

Trincomalee Magistrate M. Ganesheraja yesterday directed the Police to hold an inquiry into the incident and discuss with the parties involved to come to peaceful settlement.

Meanwhile the President of the TPO told the Daily News that they were yet to decide on continuing the hartal for the third day. It will depend on the Police action to settle the dispute, he said.

No quorum - House sittings adjourned

Parliament was adjourned abruptly yesterday for want of a quorum. The House was debating an Order under the Export Development Board Act when MP Ravi Karunanayake rose to inform Presiding MP Mano Wijeratne that there was no quorum.

At the time Deputy Minister Hussein Bhaila was on his feet. The quorum bell was sounded but apart from a bare trickle there were no sufficient numbers to make up the quorum of 20 Members. The presiding MP then adjourned the House around 11.10 am.

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