Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Solheim calls for urgent talks

With the international community's rising concern over the escalation of violence in the Jaffna peninsula Norwegian special envoy Erick Solheim urged the Government and the LTTE to urgently commence talks to de-escalate the present hostile situation. Solheim said this when he met the LTTE's Chief Negotiator and theoretician, Anton Balasingham at his London residence on Tuesday.

Explaining in detail about the deliberations of the crucial meeting of Co-Chairs of the donor community (US, EU, Japan and Norway) in Brussels Monday, Solheim said the international community favoured immediate talks between the parties in conflict in the implementation of the truce, without prolonging dispute over the venue.

Mr. Solheim denounced claims in the local media that Norway had insisted Oslo as the venue for peace talks. He added that as facilitators Norway is ready to accept any venue collectively agreed upon by the government and the LTTE and reiterated that the venue was not an issue for his government.
The world community, Mr. Solheim pointed out, is alarmed at the sudden escalation in violence in Jaffna, which has the potential to break into a conflict if it is not arrested in time.

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