Saturday, February 17, 2007

Largest Haul Of Weapons In The History Of The Sri Lanka Army From Operations In The East

From: 2007-02-17 02:02:15

THE SECURITY FORCES launched a limited military operation on 29th October 2006 to liberate the Un-cleared areas of VAKARAI as the LTTE terrorists had used the people in these areas as "Human Shields' to locate their guns and mortars to target the Security Forces.

Since the military operation was successfully completed on 19th January 2007, the Army is now engaged in a massive clearing operation including a de-mining programme for the resettlement of the people displaced by the LTTE terrorist activities.

In a search operation conducted on Saturday 17th February morning, twenty eight T 56 assault rifles, and an RPG have been recovered from the area.

Large quantities of arms including heavy weapons, explosive devices, mines, small arms , mortars and equipment have been recovered in the process of the clearing and de – mining operations. A total of two 152 mm artillery guns, five 120mm mortars, eight 81mm mortars, six hundred and twenty four T 56 assault rifles, two anti – anti-craft guns, RPG launchers and rockets , two suicide boats fitted with 22 and 24 Claymore mines each, seventy one claymore mines (some weighing 10-15 kg), thirteen machine guns, thirty four high tech communication sets, sixty two I-Com radio sets, large quantities of ammunition of all types, and anti- personnel mines have been recovered up to yesterday ( 16th February).

The Security Forces were compelled to launch the limited operation in the East on humanitarian considerations due to the closure of the Mavilaru anicut on 20th July 2006 by the LTTE terrorists which deprived drinking water to over 15,000 people and irrigation facilities for 30,000 acres of paddy and subsistence crops. This operation was launched on the 26th and the anicut was re –opened by Troops on the 8th of August . The LTTE terrorists then fired artillery displacing 40,000 Muslim people in the Mutur and Sampur area even threatening the Trincomallee harbour which compelled the Army to launch a humanitarian operation on 26th August. The entire area was cleared by 4th September.

Meanwhile the Special Task Force (STF)launched an operation to liberate the people from the grip of LTTE terror by destroying all their camps in the KANJIKUDICHCHIARU AREA.

His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited VAKARAI on the eve of the 59th Independence Day (4th) to congratulate Troops, meet the people and to assess the situation in the area.

This is the largest haul of heavy weapons and small arms, explosives, claymore mines and high tech equipment left behind by the fleeing LTTE terrorists in the entire history in the twenty five year old history of the armed conflict.

The Army is continuing search and clearing operations. This is to achieve the target of resettling the displaced civilians of VAKARAI , BATTICALOA, as early as possible in spite of the grave risks due to the anti personnel mines, booby traps, Claymore mines and an assortment of explosives laid by the LTTE terrorists against the Security Forces.

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