Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Australian High Commissioner visits the East

Australian High Commissioner visits the East

The Australian High Commissioner, Dr. Greg French, visited the eastern districts of Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Ampara on March 1-3 to inspect the tsunami assistance projects being funded by the Australian Government.

Dr. French held discussions with the Government Agents of Trincomalee and Batticaloa, as well as UN Agencies, NGOs, representatives of civil society and a number of welfare camp committees said Australian High Commission in a press release.

He also observed progress in the Ampara district water supply project, which is being primarily funded and constructed through Australian channels.

The project is already providing access to drinking water to many in tsunami-affected areas of Ampara district. On completion, it will enable access to potable water for almost three quarters of the Ampara district population.

The High Commissioner also presented a cheque to Survivor's Associated for a psycho-social project in 22 welfare camps in Valaichennai and Kalmunai as well as to the Samasta Lanka Praja Sanwardana Association for a water and sanitation project in Komari.

Australia has disbursed over A$10 million for tsunami assistance activities in Sri Lanka, in addition to the ongoing aid program valued at A$23 million annually.

The immediate post tsunami assistance package focused on urgent food, shelter, water and sanitation needs and public health issues was provided through the World Food Programme (WFP), UNICEF, UNHCR, OXFAM Australia and a range of non-governmental organisations.

The Australian Government is currently mobilising further packages for the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase, which will aim to bring together the numerous offers of assistance from Australian State Governments, private agencies and individuals.


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