Monday, March 14, 2005

Palmyra based handicrafts to be produced

Rural Development Society members of Puwakpitiya, Galapamula and Ibbankatuwa formed a handicraft manufacturing company to train its members on palmyra-leaf based production of various consumer items. President of Puwakpitiya Rural Development Society, J. G. Jayawickrema chaired the inaugural meeting held at USO National Headquarters at Puwakpitiya.

Galewela Rural Development Officer P. M. Wijerathne, Field Officer of Human Development Foundation K. K. D. Siriyawathie and executive committee members of United Schools Organisation Sri Lanka (USO SL) were also present on this occasion.

The training instructress on palmyra leaf based products attached to 'Jathika Silpa Sabhawa', Chamila Subhashinee Perera was appointed to handle the training of members in various consumer items making use of palmyra, ola, vetakeyya and several other raw materials grown locally.

It was decided to build-up a share capital by investing each member some amount of money according to their ability and to seek the government support to pay for the trainer.

J. G. Jayawickrema, Sanjeewani Rupasinghe and L. W. G. Nanda Kumarilatha were elected President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


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